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Why is the Finance Sector a Target for Cyber Attacks?

According to the Bank for International Settlements, the financial sector is most targeted by hackers, after the healthcare sector. Finance businesses handle and manage large amounts of financial data, making them prime targets for cybercriminals. According to the Financial Stability Board, a serious cyber incident could destabilize financial systems, impacting critical infrastructure and the economy.

4 Business Advantages of the Cloud for Financial Services

Financial institutions, banks, accounting firms, credit unions, and hedge funds may struggle to stay compliant and protect themselves from cyberattacks’ rising frequency. While data security may be top of mind for financial organization teams, they can gain peace of mind and set themselves up for long-term growth by partnering with a managed cloud services provider.

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How Financial Services Cyber Regulations are Hotting Up For API Security

Financial services firms deploy an increasingly complicated mix of technologies, systems, applications, and processes to serve customers and partners and to solve organisational challenges.Focused heavily on consumer hyper-personalisation, banks are evolving more and more digital assets and services to meet and exceed growing customer experience expectations.

Protecting Cyber Security in The Finance Sector

Cyber Security is increasingly important in the finance sector, as financial institutions need to protect customer data. Financial organisations handle a huge amount of valuable information, from account details and passwords to credit card numbers and personal identities. With this comes an increased risk of cybercrime and malicious attacks on their networks and systems.

Shift Left is Only Part of Secure Software Delivery in Financial Services

The way we manage our money has changed dramatically. In little more than a decade, we’ve gone from branch-led services to feature-rich apps offering 24/7 access to our money. Open Banking is driving product innovation, fintechs are setting a new benchmark for customer-centric experiences, and AI is taking personalization to a new level. Financial services have never been so accessible and convenient.

Financial Services Cybersecurity: 4 Ways to Combat Modern Threats in this Vulnerable Sector

The financial services sector is one of the highest performing in terms of cybersecurity. One factor that contributes to this performance is regulation. Laws such as FFIEC IT, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, NYDFS, GDPR, and SOC2 have placed pressure on financial services companies to build and enforce some of the strongest cyber risk management programs across any industry. You should consider another factor, which is money.

Five Things CISOs in Financial Services can do to make Containers Secure and Compliant

As competition ramps up in the financial services sector, agile and efficient application development is critical to delivering the seamless digital experiences today’s customers want. Chances are, if you’re not already moving applications to cloud and containers, you’re considering it. But cloud-native development also brings security and compliance implications you may not have fully thought through.

Choosing a Finance Attack Surface Management Product

The financial sector is home to the most coveted category of sensitive data amongst cybercriminals - customer financial information. As such, cybercriminals are continuously pounding against the industry’s cyber defenses, often finding their way through. The good news is financial institutions could minimize their data breach risks with the right attack surface management product. To learn which key features to look for in an ideal ASM product optimized for the financial sector, read on.

State of API Security for Financial Services and Insurance

As financial services and insurance organizations have increasingly turned to APIs to accelerate business innovation, attackers have also changed their tactics, making APIs their prime target. This short video discusses findings from the first industry-specific version of the State of API Security report and draws on a combination of survey responses and empirical data from the Salt Cloud. Key trends revealed by the survey include.

Monitoring Financial Data Security And What To Know

The Fintech industry deals with financial and personal data of customers on a massive scale. From credit card transactions to identity verification details, companies collect and process huge amounts of sensitive data, making them an attractive target for cybercriminals. To ensure the highest standards of data protection and risk management, constant monitoring and analysis of security data is crucial.