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Device Authority

Understanding Privilege Access Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Why is Privilege Access Management the linchpin of your cybersecurity strategy? Our guide delivers compelling insights into PAM—what it is, why it matters, and how the right privilege access management tactics fortify your defences against data breaches and compliance violations while securing sensitive data and critical systems.

Combating the DDoS IoT Threat: Strategies to Protect Your Connected Devices

In the realm of IoT, DDoS attacks are not just a threat but a harsh reality. This article cuts through the complexity of DDoS IoT threats, offering a clear understanding of how IoT devices are hijacked for DDoS attacks and presenting actionable strategies to protect these devices. From recognising vulnerabilities to implementing robust defences, we provide the insights you need to secure your network against the dire consequences of DDoS attacks.

Device Authority Appoints Former Google and Vodafone Product Manager To Drive Its Product Led Growth Strategy

Device Authority, an award-winning and recognized global leader in Identity and Access Management (IAM) for Enterprise IoT ecosystems has appointed Richard Seward as Vice President of Product Management to drive forward the company’s growing portfolio of innovative products under its KeyScaler platform.

NIS 2 Directive: Strengthening IoT Security in the EU

In today’s interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) plays a crucial role in various sectors, from healthcare and transportation to energy and critical infrastructure. However, with the increasing reliance on IoT devices comes the heightened risk of cybersecurity threats. To address these challenges and enhance cybersecurity measures across the European Union (EU), the NIS 2 Directive (Directive (EU) 2022/2555) was introduced.

Driving Security: Integrating Automotive Cybersecurity with the IoT Landscape through WP.29 Standards

In today’s digital age, where cars have evolved into data centers on wheels within the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ensuring cybersecurity in the automotive industry has become paramount. The emergence of connected cars, a significant subset of IoT, brings with it a host of cybersecurity challenges, prompting regulators to take swift action. One such pivotal step is the establishment of WP.29 standards, revolutionizing automotive cybersecurity.

Understanding Denial of Service Attacks: Prevention and Response Strategies

Denial of service attacks pose a significant threat to online services, with the power to disrupt and disable critical operations. This guide uncovers the numerous tactics attackers use, the motivations behind their malicious activities, and provides actionable strategies to fortify your network against these insidious threats.

Navigating the Maze: Overcoming Security Issues in IoT

Security issues in IoT are a pressing concern as the number of connected devices skyrockets. What vulnerabilities are these devices exposed to, and what can be done to secure them against escalating cyber threats? This article provides a no-nonsense overview of the inherent risks in the IoT landscape and the steps necessary to maintain the integrity and safety of IoT ecosystems.

Convergence and Collaboration: A Tale of Two Summits Unveiling Device Authority's Global Triumphs in 2024

In a testament to the power of global collaboration, Device Authority recently witnessed the convergence of its US and UK teams in two distinct yet complementary gatherings. Amy Chu, VP Customer Success, chronicles the enriching experiences of the US team’s face-to-face summit, while Darren Cubbage, Engineering Manager, provides insights into the unity and inspiration emanating from the 2024 UK Company Get-Together.

Maximising Efficiency: Essential Strategies for Device Management in IoT

How do you maintain efficiency and security across a network of IoT devices? Device management in IoT is your answer, handling everything from deployment to maintenance. This article outlines practical strategies for navigating device setup, scaling your operations, tackling common challenges, and selecting the right management platform. Expect to uncover insights that will fortify your IoT device management and keep your network at peak performance.